Create Team and Structure
Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products.
CAM supports communication using MS Teams
M365 Tabs: Teams or Channels, Channels with Planner, OneDrive, OneNote, SharepointList
Tip: To use Data Sync to Link Teams content or Move/Copy content, the following metadata is required: Client/Matter, Job, CreateInOffice365, Office365Group, Office365Type, Template, AutoOneWaySync, targetSystem, UniqueSystemCriteria, TargetServer
Supporting Create Team CSV Parameters
Tip: To avoid a timeout, it is recommended to limit the number of users to add to a team to 500 per job.
Columns | Description | Supported Values |
ClientId | Enter the client ID | String: MMMTest12 |
MatterId | Enter the matter ID | String: MMMTest12 |
ClientName | Enter the client name | String: MMMTest12 |
MatterName | Enter the matter name | String: MMMTest12 |
WorkspaceName | Enter the Workspace Name. The field to use if Office365ChannelName, or Office365Teamsname is not provided. | String. MMMTest12 |
CustomFolderNameInTarget | Enter the team name (or folder name) . Allows you to provide customize name to the folder which will be create where all documents and nested folder will copy during content sync. This used to be TeamNameiniManage and is now supported in any DMS. | String: test team |
CreateInOffice365 | Create this in Office 365, or not. The setting is used for the ETL creation and move of Teams to DMS. Required | Number: 1 to create, 0 to skip |
Job | Specify the Job name to be executed. Required To use the ETL functionality of Linking Teams or Moving Teams content, Request Access or Grant Access to this job. Request Access - User can send a request to access multiple Team by providing user id with pipe separated. Grant Access - User can grant an access to requestor. | String: LinkMsTeamsOrChannel or createTeam
Office365Group | Name of Office 365 Group. Office365group is used for groupname while creating a group in external. Note: Including spaces, the value of the Office365Group must not be longer than 256 characters. | String- For Team creation, is required. |
Office365Teams | Team name for Microsoft Teams Accepts a search keyword combination of client and matter to find teams associated with a specific client and matter. | String- For Team creation, is required. |
mailnickname | Nickname for mailing. Mailnickname is used for group email in external. Required | String; Maximum length is 64 characters. This property can contain only characters in the ASCII character set 0 - 127 except the following: |
Office365Type | The type of Office 365 object being managed. This can be group, teams, channels, tabs, OnedriveFolder, users Required | String; being Channels, Teams, Tabs, OnedriveFolder |
Office365ExistingTeamId | Allows selecting a pre-existing team to use to create a channel in the team. | String. NOTE: This is Case sensitive. |
WebsiteUrl | URL of the website for the Office 365 object | String |
ContentUrl | URL for content sharing for the Office 365 object | String |
RemoveUrl | URL for removal. | String |
The name of the channel or OneNote or Planner. | String. This is the default parameter to use for channels. WorkspaceName will be used if this is not provided. | |
ChannelName | Name of the channel | String |
TabAppName | Name of the tab | String |
TagNames | You can create the tag name in MS teams now during creation of Team | String: Developmen#QA#Services |
TagMembers | You can tag the member for created tag in Teams | String: |
Security | For Teams' security. | String: Format: userid | |hasaccess=|role=|isexternal=|isgroup=||hasaccess=true|role=Admin|isexternal=false||hasaccess=true|role=Editor|isexternal=false|isgroup=false or E.g.|true#23/12/2019*Admin$false
DefaultSecurity | Allows to set the default security on a team/channel/tab or user/group | String: Public, Private, Inherited. |
TeamMemberSettings | Helps set these team members settings: teamId The ID of the team whose member settings need to be updated. allowCreateUpdateChannels When set to: TRUE - allows members to create and update channels. FALSE - prevents members from creating and updating channels. allowDeleteChannels When set to:
allowAddRemoveApps When set to:
allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs When set to:
| Optional. Default is selected if not specified. String. E.g. (use # at the end of each setting if multiple exist) allowCreateUpdateChannels=true#allowDeleteChannels=true#allowAddRemoveApps=true#allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs=true# allowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors=true |
TeamFunSettings | Sets the Emoji, stickers and giphy settings | Optional. Default is selected if not specified. String. E.g. (use # at the end of each setting if multiple exist) allowGiphy=true#giphyContentRating=Moderate#allowStickersAndMemes=true#allowCustomMemes=true |
TeamGuestSettings | Sets guest settings. | Optional. Default is selected if not specified. String. E.g. (use # at the end of each setting if multiple exist) allowCreateUpdateChannels=false#allowDeleteChannels=true |
TeamMessageSettings | Sets message settings. | Optional. Default is selected if not specified. String. E.g. (use # at the end of each setting if multiple exist) allowUserEditMessages=true#allowUserDeleteMessages=true#allowOwnerDeleteMessages=true# allowTeamMentions=true#allowChannelMentions=true |
Office365Folder | OneDrive Folder name. | String |
ParentFolderPath | To create Folder Structure in OneDrive; Specify Folder name where to add subfolder. | String |
OneDriveUsers | Specify users where to provision these folders. | String E.g. *****@***.com|*****@***.com |
Template | Specify Template Id If creating Planner Or OneDrive or OneNote using Template | String |
IsExternal | Sets up external users/groups | Boolean. true or false. Is not case sensitive. |
RemoveSecurity | To remove M365 user(s) from teams and matter team. | String: *************** |
Queue | Specify queue number | Integer: 1 |
imanage_server | Allows you to create workspace provision for M365 teams with iMange as Tab. Specify iManage server name. | String: worksiteserver2022 |
imanage_workspace_id | Specify the workspace id. | String: Interns!5516 |
netdocuments_workspace_id | Allows you to create workspace provision for M365 teams with NetDocument as Tab. Specify NetDocument server name. | String: 4845-5649-8658 |
Classification | Specify the classification name
| String: Confidential |
ExcludedGroupUsers | Specify users who does not want to pass the all users of passed group into team security | String: Userid |
EnforcedSystems | Enforces already existing controls on office365. | office365 |
hiddenfromoutlook | Hides the group or Team from the Outlook interface. | String Yes/True/1= Sets the value to be hidden, e.g. hiddenfromoutlook=1 0/False/No= Sets the value disabled |
hiddenfromaddresslist | Hides the group or team from the address book, or group list if a group is selected. | String Yes/True/1= Sets the value to be hidden 0/False/No= Sets the value disabled |
Private Channel Security - Teams and M365 (Office365)
CAM now allows setting the team and private channel-level security in the template editor and can be applied using the CSV upload job.
See the samples below.
Column | Description |