Remove user(s) from M365 groups
Allows users to remove users from M365 using CSV job upload.
Columns | Description | Supported Values |
Type | Specify if adding as a user | String : User |
FirstName | Enter the user first name | String |
LastName | Enter the user last name | String |
MiddleName | Enter the user middle name | String |
PrimaryEmail | The email address of the user | String. Needs to contain proper Email formatting, example: *****@***.com |
SecondaryEmail | Any secondary email. User defined | String. Needs to contain proper Email formatting, example: *****@***.com |
CreateInOffice365 | Add users to Office 365 | String, set to y = Action performed |
UserID | Add user ID to login | String. E.g. a.marcus - One of the required fields for user creation. |
DisplayName | Adds the full name (display name) of the user. | String. E.g. Alexey Marcus. - One of the required fields for user creation. |
Description | User Description | String |
mailNickname | Adds the email (nickname) of the user | String; Maximum length is 64 characters. This property can contain only characters in the ASCII character set 0 - 127 except the following: @ () \ [] " ; : <> , SPACE. Optional for Microsoft teams creation. |
IsExternal | Sets up external users/groups | Boolean. true or false. Is not case sensitive. |
Groups | Specify group name | String : gracy1089883 |
isDelete | Specify value for delete operation | Integer: 1 |
Learn how to create your own CSV/TSV files with a Text Editor or Excel.
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