Analytics Bulk Jobs

Supported CSV Parameters



Supported Syntax



Supported Syntax


The s character at the end of this parameter is not a typo!

This column allows to add multiple metadata values together, for the purpose of updating or provisioning or searching for records.

Used only for iManage or Netdocuments API search only.

classid?doc|clientname?exxon001,Harkins vs Jason|document_number?10104252,9162943

  • This format shows you can use whatever custom metadata you need, in the format of metadata?value | metadata?value1,value2

  • Use pipes between multiple metadata columns.

  • Use commas for multiple values you are searching or using.

The sample above if we were to provision a bulk job, is defining the classid as type doc, then pulls the clients Exxon001 and Harkins vs Jason, and then filtering based on the two document numbers.

For NetDocuments, the document number parameter is: documentnumber


The parameter of the job. For analytics it is analyticsbulkjob



The action from the Analytics UI that can be performed with the CSV. See the full job and action information here:

  • SecurityUpdate

  • restore

  • restorefolder

  • declareasrecord

  • undeclare

  • addtomymatter

  • moveworkspaces

  • removeemptyfolders

  • removefolder







This CSV sample allows running a bulk analytics job to undeclare documents, where records match a partial search for a custom metadata name. For example, the custom metadata field, if set as: name?Copy*, means that it will search for a name containing “Copy” and apply the undeclare action against those results. For iManage.


This CSV sample runs a bulk analytics job to undeclare documents, where records match a partial search for several custom metadata fields (authorid, clientid, date, document number). For NetDocuments.


Adds a Workspace to my Matters in iManage


Declare for iManage


Declare for NetDocuments


Move Workspaces


Remove Empty folders


Restore iManage


Restore NetDocuments


Revert to Prior Version


Security Update Add to Workspace


Security Update Default Security


Security Update Default security on Workspace


Security Update Default security on Document


Security Update Default security on Folder


Security Update Remove on Workspace


Undeclare iManage


Undeclare NetDocuments


Bulk Analytics operation: removefolder from iManage


Bulk Analytics operation: removefolder from NetDocuments

Learn how to create your own CSV/TSV files with a Text Editor or Excel.

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